Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 57

This was the actual planned birthday party for my Dad. His birthday (really on April 1st) was attended by most of my sibs. We were only shy two of us out of six, so I don't think that was too bad, considering one is in Kansas and the other Japan. My uncle, his wife, my cousin and his wife all came as well, which was pretty cool.

As I mentioned previously, the DS is rather popular... Kate and Cesar bought a pair not long after we arrived in Cali.

Stephen and Alex, they're quite a pair.

I think Alex was going for the Smurf look.

Now this face was minorly contrived... Kate put the icing on Gennie's face and I don't think she was too happy about it, but I didn't take this pic, so I'm not 100% sure, but she doesn't look too happy. ;)

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